Why is my back curving during my pregnancy?

That curvy back that you've noticed lately is a normal part of
pregnancy. Pregnancy with singlets can cause postural or back curve
changes, but more babies means more weight so women pregnant with
multiples will likely notice changes earlier.

New Program Aims to Reduce Number of C-Sections

Multiple medical journals have reported a steady increase in the number of C-sections being performed each year. While C-sections are medically necessary, in some cases, to protect the life of the fetus and mother; not all C-sections are performed out of need.

What is an Interstitial Pregnancy?

The interstitial is the spot where the fallopian tube comes in contact
with the wall of the uterus at just the point where the endometrial
cavity starts. When a pregnancy implants here it is called an
interstitial pregnancy.

What Does it Mean to Sleep Like a Baby?

Sleeping like a baby means, to the non-parent, that you’ll fall asleep
before your head hits the pillow, but is that really how baby’s sleep.
In my experience, my baby never slept more than a few hours at a time.

A Simple Guide to Egg Freezing

Many women are now choosing to wait until they are 35 or 40 to start a
family. While this may be the best time for a woman to conceive, it is
not the best time for the female body to conceive.

Do Pregnancy Stretch Marks Disappear?

There was not one inch of space that wasn’t covered in stretch marks. At first, I didn’t care about the marks, but I soon became pregnant with baby number two and things got a lot more interesting.

Getting Dad Closer During Breastfeeding

After 40 weeks of pregnancy, there is a deep-seeded need to have something personal between mom and baby that no one else can touch. It’s hard moving from being the only one who has a personal connection with baby to being the once pregnant woman.

Natural Birth Boosts Brain Proteins

There are definitive medical reasons for scheduling a C-section
delivery. Many of these reasons ultimately help reduce the risk of labor
complications or the C-section is used as an emergency delivery option
if fetal complications are observed.

Women Are Meant to Have Children

There is no doubt about the mental stress caused by infertility. Women
who try to conceive and hit the brick wall of infertility face stress,
depression, anxiety and other mental side effects – this is something
researchers already know.

Stop Drinking So Much Coffee – IVF Tips

Ahh, the great coffee debate – this is one of those topics that keeps
coming up year after year, but today I’m taking the battle and pushing
it back into the face of every woman who stretches herself way too thin
and drinks more coffee than she knows she should.
