fertility tests, Getting Pregnant, pregnancy, TTC, hysterosalpingogram, HSG

Many women wonder how long they should wait to get pregnant after a hysterosalpingogram. A hysterosalpingogram or HSG is an X-ray test where dye is injected through the cervix into the uterus to visualize whether both fallopian tubes are open and if the shape of the uterine cavity is normal.

Do the X-rays damage the eggs?

The X-rays are not expected to damage the egg because before ovulation the egg is in a state of maturation arrest, which is unlikely to be damaged by X-rays. In addition, the amount of radiation exposure from a single HSG is so small that this dose of radiation is unlikely to adversely affect even a growing fetus.

Does the dye harm the eggs or the embryo or fetus?

The dye solution used in an HSG might harm a fetus if injected into the uterus during a pregnancy. But it is rapidly cleared from the uterus and tubes.

Does the HSG improve fertility?

Some studies have shown that an HSG may enhance fertility by opening fallopian tubes that may be clogged.

When to do the HSG?

It's suggested to do the HSG before ovulation. If you are not already pregnant at the time this procedure is performed, it's unlikely that a fetus conceived in the same cycle is at an increased risk of adverse outcome or anomalies.

While we like to avoid exposing a fetus to any radiation, that concern does not apply to eggs. There are no specific studies available on what happens with pregnancies right after an HSG. Most doctors probably suggest not to get pregnant in the same cycle, but there is no information on what happens if you do.

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Why Am I Not Ovulating?
When Am I Most Fertile?
Pregnancy Symptoms: Early Signs You May Be Pregnant
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