
Working out in a structured exercise program is beneficial to you whether you are expecting or not. Unless you have pregnancy complications, have a high-risk pregnancy, or your doctor/midwife has immediate concerns regarding exercise, you can feel free to continue enjoying physical activity and exercise as long as you are careful.

Bicycling During Pregnancy

Exercise has been thought to help prevent gestational diabetes, make labor much easier, and prepare your body for a quick recovery. If jogging was your usual form of exercise before your pregnancy, you could keep jogging until such time as you feel uncomfortable at doing so.  If swimming is your preferred workout and you swam forty laps each day, by all means, continue your routine until you can no longer do it.

One quick plunge from your bike could easily cause trauma to your stomach, which could injure the baby, or placenta, or lead to premature labor.

However, you should try to avoid any sort of high-risk activities because sports that can potentially harm you can also harm your baby. In a majority of cases, doctors usually indicate that biking is of no benefit to the baby; you can get just a good of a workout with a safer exercise or sport. The potential to fall and cause injury to your belly is just too great to risk it.

Even though many women have claimed to be biking well into their second trimester without any problems, one quick plunge from your bike could easily cause trauma to your stomach, which could injure the baby, or placenta, or lead to premature labor. Keep in mind also that the further along the pregnant women is the greater the threat to the baby would be should a fall happen.

Balance Is An Issue

Balance is a large issue during pregnancy, particularly in the advancing months. In early pregnancy, hormonal shifts cause many women to feel lightheaded and dizzy which raises your potential for falling. In the second and especially the third trimester, your center of gravity from your growing belly will be off and your regular balance while riding can be largely unsteady.

As the pregnancy develops, it becomes more difficult and riskier to ride and in your final trimester, it may become complicated to maintain your balance thus introducing additional possible falls from off your bike.

If you are very fond of biking or if you are training, or simply would like to keep up your regular biking routine, you can safely enjoy riding a stationary exercise bike while pregnant. That way you can get in your preferred exercise while ensuring safety for you and your baby.

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