There is no scientific reason for increased facial hair growth related to pregnancy hormones. There is, however, a change that occurs in the body that can cause darkening of the natural hair growth on the body and face. Many women claim to grow more facial hair while pregnant. There is no scientific reason for increased facial hair growth related to pregnancy hormones. There is, however, a change that occurs in the body that can cause darkening of the natural hair growth on the body and face. Pregnant women may see their pubic hair, leg hair, underarm hair and facial hair grow darker while pregnant. And when hair appears darker, it can also appear more thick and noticeable.


It is important not to pluck or wax facial hair during pregnancy. These treatments may cause increased growth that lasts a lifetime. Shaving off darker facial hair is an option. Some women believe shaving facial hair makes it grow in faster, thicker and darker but this is simply not the case. If you are unsure how to shave your face, ask a male friend or significant other to give you a lesson. Instead of using male-based products, make sure to lather up with a fragrance-free, gentle female version instead. Patience is the best solution for facial hair during pregnancy as the hair may lighten after the baby is born. If the darker facial hair sticks around after birth, laser treatments and bleaching may be an option.