Warning: Do not try to remember a dozen details when having sex, especially if conception is the goal.

Instead, relax. Empty the mind. Make love, not sex. Kick off the heels, get up, and dance in the light of a full moon.

William Masters and Virginia Johnson took the world’s bedrooms by storm when they published Human Sexual Response and Human Sexual Inadequacy in the 1960s and 1970s. Their work on the human sexual response ushered in the sexual revolution at about the time the birth control pill brought women the freedom to enjoy sex in worry-free ways previously impossible.

The research didn’t stop there, however, and today’s study of the human sexual response might offer insights to help a woman conceive more easily. These dozen details offer insights into the inner workings of female sexuality that just might enhance fertility in12 simple steps.

  1. Dance in the Moonlight: Evolution tuned us into the night and day cycles of life and the moon cycles as well. Today’s ubiquitous artificial lighting makes natural light almost impossible. In days of old, women menstruated during the moon’s dark cycle and ovulated when the moon was full. Next time the moon’s full, get out there and dance.
  2. Enjoy Sex Before Ovulation: Sperm lives in cervical mucus for as long as eight days after ejaculation. Have an army of those little darlings ready and waiting when the next egg comes along.
  3. Toss the Heels: Everybody wants an orgasm when they have sex. High heels, many of which are designed to mimic the shape of a woman’s spine at the moment of orgasm, actually hinder the process. The unnatural stance heels create in a woman’s posture contracts her pelvis floor but not in a sexually satisfying way and for lengths of time too long to be pleasurable. The pelvis must contract fully to enjoy orgasm so ditch the heels and let the body do what comes naturally.
  4. Create. Orgasm. Create. Orgasm: Orgasm makes women feel great!  They’re more productive, confident, and creative when orgasms come often. Confident, happy, creative women enjoy fuller orgasms. So, enjoy orgasms to boost creativity that boosts the pleasure of orgasm that energizes creativity that encourages orgasm that...
  5. Birth Control Pills Are a Double-Edged Sword: In Masters and Johnson’s day, birth control pills meant freedom to enjoy sex with almost no risk of an unplanned pregnancy but the pill actually puts the brakes on the libido. The hormones that make the pill work wreak psychological havoc with desire. Diminished desire, physically and psychologically, can last months after a woman quits taking the pill. Don’t get discouraged if conception doesn’t happen right away. Allow time for the body to adjust to a new, more natural level of hormones before looking for pregnancy.
  6. Sitting Up Straight and Tall Can Be Sexually Arousing: That’s because the pudendal nerves are stimulated. These nerves control the tissue of sexual arousal in the clitoris, vagina, and surrounding genitalia. Pressure on these nerves from sitting in a prim posture can be quite arousing.
  7. Sitting Too Long Is Bad for Orgasms: The body needs action from the psoas muscles and contraction of the pelvis floor to produce a full-body orgasm. Sitting too long shortens this muscle group and the pelvic floor, meaning orgasms can still happen but with less impact.
  8. The Holy Trinity of Female Sexual Stimulation: Women have three erogenous zones - the clitoris, the G-spot, and the cervical opening. Some women claim their nipples are erogenous zones, too. Don’t bother counting. Just keep them all happy.
  9. No Two Vaginas Are Alike: Think of technique as a mere suggestion. What works for one woman may not be so stimulating to another. That’s because the network of nerve endings lighting up the vagina and genitalia is different in every woman. Throw away the instruction manual and explore with abandon.
  10. Rock the Uterus to Make a Baby: When the uterus contracts during orgasm, it does so in a rocking motion that is thought to help the cervix scoop up any semen that lingers in the back of the vagina after ejaculation.
  11. Drink Water for Better Orgasms: Since the body is mostly fluid, drinking lots of water keeps all body tissues plumped up and primed for life. When sexual stimulation further plumps up the tissue of well-hydrated erogenous zones, exciting things happen.
  12. Orgasm is Universal: All women have the innate ability to achieve orgasm. Unfortunately, we don’t always know how to use the machinery to its fullest benefit. Relax. Communicate. Practice. Explore.

Enjoy these 12 steps whenever possible but don’t make work of sex. Have fun, relax, and remember communication is key. Let your partner know what feels best for you. Remember that every sex act will not produce a baby but every sex act will strengthen the bond of intimacy between partners, especially when the love-making is relaxed and the pleasure mutual. Indulge often.

Source: Dockterman, Eliana. "12 Shocking Sex Facts." TIME Magazine. 4 Oct 2013. Web. Retrieved 7 Nov 2013.