Obesity is the largest world medical epidemic in the history of western society. More people are living overweight and obese today than ever before and there are a multitude of reasons to account for our up-sizing population. Fast food, convenience meals, high-fat diets, and sedentary lifestyles are all reasons why men and women are gaining weight at an alarming rate. Despite the fact that there are clearly connections between lifestyle choices and weight – some researchers believe men suffer obesity for different reasons, including low testosterone commonly referred to as andropause or male menopause. There may also be some connection between male obesity and the long-forgotten history of our society.

History and Obesity

Men were once the hunters in the family. They traveled long distances in groups with other men hunting wild game to feed a larger group of men, women, and children. Men could be gone for weeks or even months at a time with the only food available being meat and wild vegetables. This type of diet is extremely lax in carbohydrates. Some experts believe male genetics are simply not ready for the influx of carbohydrates available today, thus the ever-growing male waistline. Clinically, researchers were able to test carbohydrate tolerance in men and found that men do not tolerate carbohydrates as well as women.

Testosterone and Obesity

Food, exercise, and genetics are not the only players in the battle with male obesity. Testosterone levels may also play an important role in weight gain. According to research, men who suffer from obesity, but manage to maintain a healthy diet and exercise program may have a testosterone problem. When researchers tested a group of obese men about 40-percent had lower than normal testosterone. The rate was even higher, about 50-percent, for men who also suffered from diabetes.

Reducing Weight Once and for All

There are multiple ways to reduce weight, but only one is proven for everyone – eat right and move more. Experts agree that men need to eat a well-balanced diet with lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Exercising does not have to mean training for a marathon, but instead, may entail something as simple as an evening walk. If these lifestyle changes don’t help reduce weight, visit the physician for a testosterone test. A simple testosterone patch may be enough to reduce the impact of low testosterone on weight, strength, muscle development and libido.