male-menopause.jpgMale menopause is gaining quite a lot of media attention. More and more men are opening up to talk about symptoms they are experiencing associated with male menopause, but not everyone is convinced the condition is real. Male menopause is a very real condition that can be medically diagnosed and treated. Talking with your physician about the symptoms of male menopause can lead to proper treatment.

What Causes Male Menopause?

Male menopause is caused by a reduction in testosterone. After age 35, testosterone levels gradually decline. This decline causes a variety of symptoms, including fatigue, loss of sex drive, joint pain and hot flashes. Many of the symptoms of male menopause are quite similar to the symptoms of female menopause. The two most common complaints associated with male menopause are reduced sex drive and erectile dysfunction.

How is Male Menopause Diagnosed?

Reporting your symptoms to your physician is the first step in diagnosing male menopause. If your symptoms are associated with the condition, your physician may request a blood test to measure testosterone levels. If levels are lower than normal, which is more likely as you age, a treatment plan will be established to improve symptoms.

Possible Treatments for Male Menopause

The most common treatment for male menopause is testosterone replacement therapy or TRT. The aim of the treatment is to increase testosterone levels to a point where symptoms subside. Just like female menopause, there is no cure for male menopause, just therapeutic treatment to reduce symptoms.

Testosterone replacement therapy can address some of the symptoms of male menopause, but it may not address difficulty achieving and maintaining an erection. There are other medical treatments for erectile dysfunction that may be suggested. Patients with heart-related medical conditions may not be approved for some erectile dysfunction treatments.

Does Male Menopause Affect Every Man?
Just as female menopause affects each woman differently, male menopause symptoms vary widely. Some men experience intense symptoms and others experience no symptoms at all. Symptoms may also vary with age, stress level, and overall health.

Male menopause also referred to as andropause, is a real condition. Men today are more comfortable talking about the symptoms of this condition, thus the increased medical and media attention. There is no shame in talking with your doctor about your symptoms as testosterone replacement therapy and other medical interventions can greatly improve your symptoms and quality of life.