• pregnancy newborn baby 39 weeks

Those first few weeks of motherhood fly by and you were expecting to be happy about your newly arrived bundle of joy, but instead, you feel sad and down. Your hormone levels have dropped since giving birth. Pair that with recovering from childbirth, lack of sleep and caring for your newborn round the clock and you have the Baby Blues. Baby Blues are a normal part of motherhood, but if the feelings last more than a couple weeks or they get worse, contact your Ob-Gyn to talk about postpartum depression.

Around 6 weeks you will have your final follow-up visit with the obstetrician. After you are cleared, you can return to work, which means leaving the baby behind. You’ll also likely be given the green light for postpartum sex. These two changes can be difficult for you. While some women are happy to return to work and a regular sex life, others want to stay near baby; fear of having sex is also possible, especially if pregnancy, labor, and delivery were difficult. Take your time and talk with your partner about work and intimacy.

Your Baby’s Development
That scrunched up little one you brought home has developed into a thriving bundle of energy. He is making noises - cooing and gurgling - and he loves to “talk” with you. Hold him close as his vision is still not 20/20, but he enjoys seeing your face and holding your gaze. Even if you are away from baby’s gaze, talk to him in a high-pitched voice mimicking an on-going conversation. Baby talk is just what baby needs.

Your Baby’s Food
Your baby will continue breastfeeding every two to three hours. Some infants breastfeed more often and others go for stretches of four to five hours at night without waking to feed. Your baby will find his comfort zone in terms of breastfeeding over time.

Parents of newborns often worry about baby drinking too little or too much breast milk or formula. Baby will drink exactly the amount he needs each feeding. That can range from three ounces to six ounces for most two-month-olds. As long as the baby is wetting diapers and having bowel movements throughout the day he is likely drinking just enough.

Your Baby’s Health Issues

Your pediatrician will likely talk with you about vaccinations at baby’s two-month checkup if he hasn’t already. A long list of vaccinations is suggested in month 2, including the second HBV and first DTaP, HiB, PCV, Polio, and Rotavirus.

< Newborn and Baby