PMS and Pregnancy SymptomsResearchers from the Institute for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy in Dresden, Germany recently published a report on the parallel between premenstrual symptoms (also known as premenstrual syndrome or PMS) and pregnancy symptoms. According to the report, women can predict just how intense pregnancy symptoms will be based on past PMS symptom severity. Moreover, the symptoms experienced during PMS may be a predictor of the pregnancy symptoms to be experienced during the first trimester.

The study involved 305 women who reported premenstrual symptoms they’d experienced in the year before pregnancy. All women had experienced a full 12 months of menstrual cycles before becoming pregnant. Both psychological and physical symptoms and symptom intensity were recorded. The same women reported psychological and physical pregnancy symptoms they experienced between the 10th and 12th weeks of pregnancy.

Conclusion: The results of the study showed a parallel between PMS symptoms and pregnancy symptoms during the first trimester. Researchers believe the study supports the idea that some women are prone to certain symptoms and severities of symptoms across all stages of reproduction.

Source: Winkel S, Einsle F, Wittchen HU, Martini J. Premenstrual symptoms are associated with psychological and physical symptoms in early pregnancy. Arch Womens Ment Health. 2013 Jan 6.