Fatigue During Pregnancy

Fatigue is very common during and after pregnancy. When a baby is growing inside of you, your body uses tons of stored energy. All of the energy obtained from food helps your baby's growth and keeps you healthy. This can lead to fatigue and extreme exhaustion in some cases.

What causes fatigue during pregnancy?

From the first moments after gestation, the female body is gearing up to grow a baby. In the beginning, your body's resources are used to develop the placenta which the baby will use for all life-sustaining nutrients. By the end of a pregnancy, all the resources have been tapped and energy reaches an all-time low. Ironically, as fatigue hits during the last few weeks of pregnancy, you will be less likely to sleep comfortably which increases fatigue even more.

Important facts about fatigue during pregnancy

No matter how energetic you may feel during the second trimester, fatigue awaits. After the first three months of pregnancy, your body is used to many of the hormonal changes, and the placenta is fully grown. Energy often returns for three long months of bliss, only to fade quickly once the baby is born.

Treatment for fatigue during pregnancy

Sleep is the best treatment for fatigue. Even if sleep is impossible due to tummy growth, swelling, indigestion, or aches and pains, rest is what your body needs the most right now. Having friends and family members help around the house, finish nursery tasks, or care for other children may alleviate some stress and help you get some much-needed rest.

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