Maternal age years
Height (range 4ft 6in to 6ft10 in) ft in
Weight (range 80-310 lb) lb
Body mass index (BMI, range 15-75) kg/m2
African-American? Yes No
Hispanic? Yes No
Any previous vaginal delivery? Yes No
Any vaginal delivery since last cesarean? Yes No
Indication for prior cesarean of arrest of dilation or descent? Yes No
Predicted chance of vaginal birth after cesarean:
95% confidence interval:

This vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) success and risk calculator helps identify the mathematical chance of having a vaginal birth after cesarean. The VBAC calculator is based on the equation published in the article cited below. 

Grobman WA, et al "Development of a nomogram for prediction of vaginal birth after cesarean delivery," Obstetrics and Gynecology, volume 109, pages 806-12, 2007.