You might have been shocked at your baby’s thick head of hair when he or she came out of the womb. Impressed by your own genetic prowess, you might have even bragged about it to loved ones, thinking that few babies are blessed with such locks. You’re right in thinking that not every baby comes out with so much on their heads, but one thing you should keep in mind is that it might not last. Within the first
six months of your baby’s life, he or she might lose most of that hair. The cause is a condition called telogen effluvium, and it’s absolutely nothing to be concerned about. It’s actually just a change in hormone levels, and once the hair has thinned it will come back normally as the rest of baby’s body develops.
When your baby is born with a thick head of hair, that hair is actually a result of the high levels of hormones that were in your body during pregnancy. You might have noticed that your own hair became thicker for the same reason. The pregnancy hormones promote hair growth, and your baby was also affected. Once you have delivered, you might also notice that your own hair thins and falls out for a few months. The same thing is happening to your baby if you notice his hair thinning. In fact, he or she might go completely bald and then will grow back hair of a different color and texture. Many blonde parents comment on the fact that their children are born with a head of thick, black hair that eventually falls out and turns blonde and silky like their own.
Even if you think your baby has gone completely bald, you will probably notice a few very soft hairs growing close to the scalp. These are part of his new ‘do. If you notice that the hair is falling out in strange patterns or that the scalp underneath is scaly and red, you should see the pediatrician to rule out any skin conditions or fungal infections. Otherwise, a thinning of the hair is perfectly normal and nothing to become too worried about. Take that time to let your baby wear all of the adorable hats you got for him at the baby shower, and place bets with your partner about what color and texture the hair will be when it comes back.
Source: Vibhu Mendiratta et al: Hair Loss and its Management in Children. Expert Review of Dermatology Volume 6 Issue 6 pp. 581-590 December 2011