OD/DD Day: 

At the start of the 11th week, your baby is now officially called a fetus, and the most crucial development phases are concluding. The fetus now must concentrate on growing longer and larger during the next 29 weeks. Growth is fast now and the fetus will gain about one inch in length during the 11th week alone! By the end of this week, your baby will measure 2 inches in length and could weigh as much as a ½ ounce.

pregnancy fetus week 11

Tips for this week

Blood flow between mom and fetus continues to get better. The fetus needs blood rich in vitamins, nutrients, and oxygen. Smoking and drinking are two habits that should be left behind during pregnancy. Both alcohol and nicotine pass through your blood and the placenta into the fetus.

Learn More:
Pregnancy: Week 11
All 42 Weeks: Week by Week

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Lose bad habits
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Your Pregnancy Tips: Week 11