OD/DD Day: 

The baby will begin to move downward toward the birth canal at this point in pregnancy and this may provide you with a little relief from the shortness of breath you may be having. It will also likely mean more frequent trips to the bathroom as the bladder is now getting even less room. Braxton Hicks contractions may be coming frequently and it can be confusing to know the difference between true and false labor.

pregnant woman week 36

Tips for this week

Now is a good time to review the signs of labor. Labor signs can include breaking the bag of waters, bloody show, cervical changes and shifting of abdominal weight. As your baby grows bigger and you carry more weight, you may be feeling exhausted simply by daily activities. Make sure you get plenty of rest. There are just four weeks left to go!

Learn More:
Pregnancy: Week 36 
All 42 Weeks: Week by Week

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Do you know the signs of labor?
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Your Pregnancy Tips: Week 36