OD/DD Day: 

By now your baby is weighing an average of 5.5 lbs or more and making plenty of movements. Since there is so little room left in the uterus at this point, it is not uncommon to actually see the baby's movement through your belly!

It's also time to start your weekly prenatal visits during week 35. During these visits, your doctor may check for changes to your cervix as well as vaginal exams to feel the position of the baby.  

pregnancy fetus 35 weeks
Tips for this week

You may start to feel extra pressure as you get closer to the big day ahead. Now is a great time to start asking family and friends for help preparing, from packing your hospital bag to venting your fears over a cup of tea. Don't be afraid to call on those who love you when you need support. Now is also a good time to learn the difference between true and false labor contractions

Learn More:
Pregnancy: Week 35 
All 42 Weeks: Week by Week 

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Your Pregnancy Tips: Week 35