Body Aches and Pain

There will be plenty of aches and pains associated with pregnancy, but the legs and back are often the body parts hit the hardest. Increased fluid retention during pregnancy can lead to swelling in the lower half of the body, which may be painful and irritating. Back pain is associated with increased weight on the front of the body and improper posture. By the end of the pregnancy, the average pregnant woman will be carrying about 30+ extra pounds on the front of her body. These extra pounds, in addition to the relaxed abdominal ligaments, can mean pain from the moment she stands up in the morning until she goes to sleep at night.

  • Elevate feet at least 15 minutes every hour.
  • Belly bands are a good solution for back pain as they can help lift the weight of mom’s growing tummy and disperse that weight throughout the mid-section.
  • Sleep whichever way you are comfortable, for many women that may be on your side for other it's on their backs (and yes, it's safe to sleep on your back as long as it makes you feel better).
  • Choose a firm mattress to support the back.
  • Wear comfortable low-heeled shoes.
  •  Use a low-heat heating pad to ease the pain.
  • Some over-the-counter pain relievers can be used but it is important to check with your physician to make sure the chosen type is safe to use during pregnancy.
  • Other solutions include alternative therapies like massage and acupuncture.

Other painful body changes include:

It is normal for the pregnant woman to undergo many body changes, aches and pains during pregnancy. Most are associated with hormones and the pain will stop when hormone levels return to normal. However, as with any symptom in general, call your doctor if you are concerned about something. Only your doctor can examine you to make sure your symptoms are OK.

You can read about more about body changes that occur during pregnancy by clicking here.