OD/DD Day: 

Although one woman may notice slight symptoms at this point, many others won't. (This is why a prenatal diet and vitamins are crucial before conceiving.)  If no symptoms or signs are apparent just yet, rest assured that it's very normal. At week 5, many moms-to-be don't even know they are pregnant. 

Pregnancy fetus week 5

Tips for this week

Take every day calmly and slowly. If you have missed your period, take a home pregnancy test. You can also call your gynecologist and ask for a blood hCG test. This test will be required after a positive home pregnancy test anyway. Keep in mind, that your doctor may make you wait a bit before testing at this early stage.

Learn More:
Pregnancy: Week 5
All 42 Weeks: Week by Week

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Nothing may seem different just yet
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Your Pregnancy Tips: Week 5