OD/DD Day: 

By the 6th week of pregnancy, your baby's heart has started beating and can often be seen early this week by transvaginal ultrasound. Baby is now about 1/17 of an inch in length and growing rapidly.

If an ultrasound were to be performed this early in the pregnancy, the baby would look like a round circle in the womb with a small nub on one side. The nub is the attachment point of the egg to the uterine lining. Buds are starting to develop that will later become the arms and legs. 

pregnancy fetus week 6

Tips for this week

Continue to relax and maintain a healthy lifestyle as hormonal changes begin to get stronger and fatigue sets in. Be sure to speak to your doctor about any concerns you may have regarding your baby and your health. Good communication with your doctor or midwife is essential right from the beginning of this journey to ensure that you have a safe, healthy pregnancy. 

Learn More:
Pregnancy: Week 6
All 42 Weeks: Week by Week

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Your baby's heartbeat
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Your Pregnancy Tips: Week 6