Children can use Omega 3s in much the same manner as adults. While the majority of the population thinks of supplementation as an adult choice, children who are regularly supplemented with Omega 3s exhibit many of the same positive health benefits. Omega 3s do not have to be supplemented in the form of pills or capsules. Children can consume more Omega 3s without ever knowing they are eating a healthy treat.

The occurrence of eczema, attention deficit disorder and obesity in children is growing exponentially. This could be caused by the lack of proper Omega 3s in the diet. Children may not be keen on eating more salmon or tuna, but that does not mean parents have to accept the fact that Omega 3s cannot be added to the diet.

Fun Ways to Add Omega 3s to a Child's Diet

Flaxseed oil, walnut oil and soybean oil are three of the oils with the highest concentrations of Omega 3s. These oils are easy to incorporate into a child's diet without them ever knowing the oils are there. Peanut butter, macaroni and cheese or pizza are some of the favorite foods kids enjoy on a weekly basis. All a parent has to do is add a bit of Omega 3 rich oil to these dishes and their child will be eating healthier and not complaining about eating fish for dinner.

Omega 3 eggs are also available on the market and can be used in baking and for breakfast. These eggs come from chickens who are fed diets rich in flaxseed. The eggs pass the benefits of the flaxseed on to the consumer.

Why Increase a Child's Omega 3 Intake?

Parents are often surprised to find out that children with higher levels of Omega 3s in their diet have less trouble concentrating in school and better behavior in everyday life. Add this to the fact that Omega 3s are responsible for brain growth and retinal function and the reasons to add Omega 3s to the diet are evident.

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