OD/DD Day: 


At 13 weeks, the fetus is beginning to not look like an alien anymore and his/her eyes and ears are moving into their correct place. There is a possibility of viewing the baby's sex at this point, but usually, you need to wait to at least the 16th week to find out for sure.
pregnancy fetus week 13
Since the 13th week marks the first week of the second trimester, many pregnant women wait until now to tell friends and family about their pregnancy because now that you are past the first trimester, complications are not as likely. If you are just breaking the news, enjoy this special time. Remember, your body is doing a lot right now so fatigue may still occur. When you feel tired, sleep!

Learn More:
Pregnancy: Week 13
All 42 Weeks: Week by Week

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Welcome to your second trimester!
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Your Pregnancy Tips: Week 13