The Chiropractor Might be the Cure for Heartburn

Obie Editorial Team

If you’re adding up the number of ways pregnancy might cause you pain and discomfort, add heartburn to the list. As if the swelling and aches weren’t enough, many women experience severe heartburn during their pregnancy that interferes with their ability to eat normally and get a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, heartburn during pregnancy is difficult to avoid because it is actually a result of an increased production of the hormones that allow the rest of the body to relax and expand. When the muscles relax, the valve that keeps stomach acid in the stomach relaxes also and acid sneaks up into the esophagus, especially when you’re lying down.

Avoiding spicy foods and eating smaller meals might help you counteract the heartburn, but one recent study also suggests that seeing a chiropractor could help as well. When a chiropractor reworks and relaxes the muscles in your back, your esophageal valve could shift and be left in a better position to prevent acid from making its way up your system.

Of course, you’ll need to make sure you see a chiropractor that is trained in the care of pregnant women. Since much of the treatment involves pressing on different areas of the body and massaging certain muscles, it could be dangerous to a growing baby if not properly executed. Many chiropractors do know how to treat a pregnant woman, and some even offer special pregnancy treatments to alleviate the common aches and pains of gestation. For women who feel as though their bodies are off balance and heavy, a visit to the chiropractor might offer a perfect solution. The treatment is natural and doesn’t involve taking any medications, which is a huge benefit for those trying to stay healthy throughout their pregnancy.

If you’re suffering from heartburn during your pregnancy, remember that it’s extremely common and isn’t necessarily an indication that anything is wrong with you. It’s probably a result of your relaxed esophageal valve. The acids that are normally restricted to your stomach can easily make their way into your esophagus. As long as your trusted chiropractor knows how to work around your baby bump, pay him a visit as soon as possible to find treatment for the burning sensations from which you are suffering. Heartburn can be distracting, irritating, and painful, so there’s no harm in trying to treat its symptoms naturally with the help of chiropractic therapy.

Source: Caroline Peterson: A Case Study of Chiropractic Management of Pregnancy-Related Heartburn with Postulated Fetal Epigenome Implications. EXPLORE: The Journal Of Science And Healing Volume 8 Issue 5 pp. 304-308 October 2012