How to Avoid CMV during Pregnancy
Obie Editorial Team
However, if you become infected with CMV for the first time while you are pregnant, the level of risk greatly increases. In that case, there is a 50% chance you’ll pass the virus on to your baby in utero, and he or she could suffer serious consequences. He or she might have hearing problems later in life as a result of the infection, or they could even be born with nervous system and neurological problems. The list of potential complications is long, so you should try to avoid the infection when you become pregnant, even if you’re unsure whether or not you have it to begin with.
It’s impossible to tell whether or not you already have CMV without a blood test, but it’s best to err on the side of caution when you become pregnant. CMV is transmitted through bodily fluids, so be extra careful to avoid the saliva, blood, reproductive secretions, urine, feces and even tears of people you don’t already live with. Even sharing silverware can transmit the infection, so think of yourself as the boy in the plastic bubble for the duration of your baby’s gestation. Wash your hands often and limit your physical contact with children under six.
Even if you already have CMV when you become pregnant, try avoiding contact with the bodily fluids of others until you’ve delivered your baby. It will protect you against CMV but will also help you avoid any additional infections.
Source: Y Yinon et al: Cytomegalovirus Infection in Pregnancy. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada Volume 32 Issue 4 pp. 348-354 April 2010