Surround yourself with smells you like. Fresh or artificial mint and citrus (orange, lemon, and lime) can be appealing.
Talk to your healthcare provider about using antihistamines or antinausea medications. Diclegis (called Diclectin in Canada) is approved for N&V during pregnancy. Benadryl is over-the-counter, Phenergan and others are available through your doctor.
Acupressure wristbands, acupuncture treatments, and hypnosis work for some women.
Take your vitamins. Vitamin B6 can reduce nausea. If you think your prenatal vitamin is making the N&V worse, try taking them at night, try taking one that does not contain iron, or speak to your health care provider about stopping your vitamins until the N&V resolves. But you must replace it with 400 to 800 mcg of folic acid through the first 14 weeks to help avoid neural tube defects.
Get professional help. IV fluids can be given in your doctor’s office or the ER; tube feedings may be needed in severe cases. Hospitalization may be warranted.