Baby HELP!!!

Obie Editorial Team

Ok so i'm new to this. I'm 19 years old and i'm TTC. Well my last period was dec. 16, 2011. My calculations for my fertility days was the 25th-Jan. 2, 2012. Well i had unprotected sex the 27th-29th & my ovulation was on the 30th. So 3 days ago i started spotting, not enough to fill a 1/2 a tampon & some brownish looking blood. I still have some bleeding, very light. 30 mins. ago i went to the RR & there was blooding & w/ some gooeyish stuff w/ little clots. My boobs & nipples are somewhat sore & my tummy area is slightly sore. The BIG question is, i won't get my period til another 2 weeks. Please help me!!