Still optimistic....

Obie Editorial Team

After about 6 months of trying, some months more than others, we're kind of taking a break. We won't be using any barriers so it'll still be possible, but we won't be worrying about it too much. We're taking a break for two reasons; we have a vacation in just a couple of months and it would be better to not be pregnant; and because we know it will only make you crazy to continually try, and fail. 

To find out when I was ovulating I was trying to monitor my body temp, but had a hard time staying consistent with it, and an even worse time reading it correctly. I've since learned how to understand my cervical mucus, which is much easier for me. We've been realistic, and we knew it wasn't going to happen immediately. But still, its annoying when we have sex during a 'peak' ovulation time, and still be unsuccessful. It only reaffirms what we already know, which is that his sperm may not be smart swimmers.....

None the less, its been frustrating. Our disappointment usually fades quickly so that we can get back to our daily lives, but I've still get baby of the brain. My husband tries to make me feel better by saying how much he loves our life as it is, but I think he's just trying to convince himself. It'll happen when the time is right; I know we'll be parents some day.