It became clear pretty quickly that the
finances to get all of the necessary fertility medications just weren't going to be there during the holidays. So, I called my
IVF coordinator at the clinic to see if we could put it off for another month. She said it was no problem, and for me to take four weeks of
birth control pills instead of three weeks with one off for a period.
That way, she said, we could be sure I'd be having my period when the clinic was open after the New Year's holiday, since they would be closed around the time I'd be having my period if I only took three weeks of the birth control pills. Part of the process after stopping the birth control pills is to have a baseline sonogram when you start your period, and it has to be done the 2nd or 3rd day of the period. We had to be sure they'd be open for me to come in and have that done.
So with that decision made, it looked like embryos would be created and transferred to me around the third week of January. I was kind of bummed about waiting at first, but after I made the decision, it felt like the right thing to do. It's best to do something like
IVF when you're completely at ease. I didn't want to be stressed over holiday things and money when I welcomed my babies into my uterus.
The IVF coordinator also wanted me to decide on a pharmacy to use to get the medications by the 19th of December and let her know so she could write the prescription. I had it narrowed down to two, both of which were in the United States. I could have gotten the medications slightly cheaper from Israel, but there was a chance they would get caught up in customs, and I wanted to avoid that, since it would delay their arrival.
She told me I needed to have the meds in my hands by January 6. With my mother offering to help once again, though she couldn't pay for it all this time what with paying for my step-dad being in assisted living and all, I felt like getting the meds by the second week of January was doable.