3 Reasons to Leave Those High-Heeled Shoes at Home

Obie Editorial Team

I never wear high-heeled shoes – no matter what. I watched my mother stuff her feet into those tiny little shoes for years only to see her peal her feet back out of them a few hours later swollen and red. Not all women have such an image to stop them from wearing high-heeled shoes and while some women claim they are as comfortable as a walking shoe, they are not safe for pregnant women. Here are a few reasons to leave those high-heels at home during pregnancy. 

1. You may feel confident, but your body doesn’t. During pregnancy your body produces more progesterone. Progesterone loosens your ligaments so you’re not as balanced as you used to be. You have a greater chance of falling wearing heels during pregnancy than any other time. 

2. They probably won’t fit. No matter how good you are at controlling your pregnancy weight gain, your feet will swell. That swelling means those perfectly fitted black pumps will not fit your feet during the latter months of the pregnancy. 

3. Plumpy feet are not sexy or professional. In the morning your feet may be your normal size, but as the day goes on, fluid will collect in your feet and the top of your foot is going to swell out of the high-heel. There is nothing professional about that. 

There is nothing wrong with throwing on a pair of heels early in your pregnancy. Some obstetricians will advise patients to lower the heel a bit around the 25th week to increase safety for mother and fetus. Other women choose to leave behind the heels for the duration of the pregnancy because they simply want to have the most comfortable pregnancy imaginable. Whether or not you wear heels during pregnancy is something you need to discuss with your obstetrician.