Egg Donation After Tubal Ligation

Obie Editorial Team

The other day I was reading a story about a woman who wanted to help her sister have children. The sister was unable to conceive after five long years. There was some medical explanation regarding her infertility, but all that really matters is the fact that her eggs were affected. She needed an egg donor, but she didn’t want a donor she didn’t know. The woman, we’ll call her Jane, had already given birth to five children and she’d had her tubes tied. The two had joked over the years that Jane got all the eggs. Jane swore she could not help her sister because of her tubal, but she was wrong. The tubal did nothing to prevent the maturation and release of eggs each month – there was simply no place for the egg to go now that the tubes were cut. Jane’s sister had one more hope of having a child of her own if Jane agreed to donate a few eggs. 

The Egg Donation Process
If you decide to become an egg donor you will have to go through some blood tests. The blood tests will reveal the viability of your eggs for donation. After testing is complete, you will be given more information on the exact process of egg retrieval. Eggs will be retrieved before being released from the ovary. 

Egg Donation and IVF
If you believe you want to donate eggs and get pregnant at the same time you can do that with shared IVF. Some of the eggs retrieved during the IVF cycle will be donated and some will be used for implantation. You do NOT have to have intact fallopian tubes to become pregnant and maintain a healthy pregnancy for the duration. 

How Does the Story End?
Jane donated her eggs to her sister and sis got pregnant with twins. This was the first time I had ever heard of someone donating eggs after a tubal ligation and what an amazing story it was.