Pregnancy Symptoms are Not the Same for All Women
Obie Editorial Team
What You Could Expect in Pregnancy Symptoms
Let’s take a look at the most common pregnancy symptoms and then a few interesting ones we’ve found along the way. Common symptoms include:
Many of these look like the same symptoms you suffer when you’re having a period right? That’s why many women have no idea they are pregnant based on the first signs of pregnancy. However, there are some interesting first symptoms that could cause you to head off to the doctor for a check-up.
Increased saliva – this symptom is likely associated with water retention as the body needs more water during pregnancy.
Extreme nausea and vomiting – if morning sickness hits early enough and is strong enough, you may think you have a case of the flu.
Strange food cravings – craving foods you once hated or foods that are not normally eaten together can be a sign of pregnancy.
Increased nose size – my nose grew drastically with all three pregnancies and the growth started just weeks after conception.
Chances are your pregnancy will have different early symptoms than the pregnancy of any other woman you know. You may suffer a long list of symptoms or none at all – it all depends on your body and your pregnancy.