Should You Adopt a Flexible Work Schedule After Baby?
Obie Editorial Team
What is Flexible Work Scheduling?
The first time I heard of a flexible work schedule was in college. My professor worked as a teacher, but she also worked as an RN per diem. Per diem means she worked on an as needed basis without benefits and other luxuries provided to full-time employees. When she needed extra money she picked up extra hours. She even had a calendar where she marked the things she needed and how many hours she needed to work to pay for those things. Her flexible work schedule allowed her to be there for her children and family when she wanted and still fulfill her financial obligations and desires.
How Do You Find a Flexible Job?
There are several types of jobs that allow flexible scheduling, but some require advanced education and degrees, like nursing. If you don’t have a professional degree like that – look to local businesses. Locally owned businesses are more apt to hire an employee to help out one or two days a week. You can earn extra money and they don’t have to take on another full time employee. Another option is to convert a volunteer opportunity to a part time job. Volunteer at a local thrift store, Salvation Army or Goodwill store. Make it known that you’re looking for part time work once in a while. If you’re a hard worker you are more apt to hear about open positions when they come available.
Taking Baby to Work
If full time work is completely necessary, look for a job that allows you to take baby to work. Nurseries, day cares and some businesses offer you the ability to bring baby to work. Finding an open employer that allows you to keep a bassinet in the office, breastfeed or bottle feed as needed and still maintain a full time job is not an easy task, but nothing is harder than parenting.