Embarrassing Symptoms of Pregnancy
Pregnancy Symptoms
Obie Editorial Team
For some women, talking about the more embarrassing symptoms that occur during pregnancy stages can be hard. Not all parts of pregnancy are beautiful or comfortable. There are many body changes during pregnancy that you may expect. You may suffer from headaches, backaches, abdominal aches, and other forms of pain. While these symptoms are common and commonly spoken about, there are also embarrassing symptoms of pregnancy that are less discussed. For some women, talking about the more embarrassing symptoms that occur during pregnancy stages can be hard.
During all three stages of pregnancy, women may suffer from constipation more often than they did before pregnancy. With so many dietary, physical and hormonal changes, the body sometimes takes a little time to catch up. Constipation can be curbed with increased fiber and water intake. When increasing fiber, it is important to move slowly. Over the counter, sugar-free fiber supplements are ideal, but start with just five grams of fiber added to one meal a day and work up from there. Taking too much fiber at one time can cause bloating, stomach discomfort, and gas.
As the third of the pregnancy stages near a close, extra weight on the bladder can cause some uncomfortable bouts of leaky urine. Laughing, coughing, and sneezing are enough to cause a pregnant woman to literally pee her pants. This is normal and nearly every pregnant woman suffers from this embarrassing symptom of pregnancy stages. It is perfectly safe to wear a feminine pad or panty liner during pregnancy to catch urine. If leaky urine is a bigger problem than a feminine pad can handle, try undergarments created for incontinence.
Again toward the end of the third trimester, symptoms of pregnancy stages can cause breasts to leak. Milk glands are preparing for birth and may leak from time to time. Some women find leaky breasts are of particular concern when they hear a baby cry. The female body hears the sound of a baby crying and determines feeding is necessary. Leaky breasts can soak through undergarments and clothing. To fend off the embarrassment, wear breastfeeding pads in your bra. These pads absorb breast milk before it can soak through clothing.
Yes, diarrhea is part of pregnancy for many women. The latter pregnancy stages are more often the time when diarrhea occurs, especially right before childbirth. Horror stories of having diarrhea during childbirth can scare a pregnant woman, but it is not as bad as it seems. The same muscles are used to push the baby through the birth canal and remove waste from the body. When a woman is asked to bear down during childbirth, there is a chance she will have a bowel movement in the process. Rest assured, this is something every obstetrician has seen and during childbirth, there are bigger things to focus on than a potential bowel movement.
Pregnancy stages are times for change and body adaptation. When the female body changes and adjusts to these pregnancy stages, embarrassing things can happen. For support, many women turn to pregnancy forums to talk with other pregnant women who may have had the same embarrassing problems during pregnancy stages.
You will have gas when you're pregnant and you may not be able to control when it comes out. Pregnant women tell hilarious stories of passing gas during sex and sonograms.
Some women trickle and other women gush. There is no way of knowing how your water will break or where it will break, but rest assured it doesn't happen in public for the majority of pregnant women.
Your tummy is working overtime to process the food your eating for you and baby. Sometimes things can back up a bit creating a terrible case of burps and some smell pretty foul.
If you wake up one morning and you hand your son his sister's clothes and pack lunch for your toddler who's not even in school you are not alone. Memory lapse is just part of pregnancy. Later in life, you'll use it as a weapon against your children.
Pee is supposed to be kept in the bladder until you take a bathroom break, but pregnancy changes all that. With pressure from your growing uterus and those kicking legs and punching hands constantly battering the bladder, there is bound to be some leakage. Some women experience a slight trickle and others a gush. You'll be happy to learn that some of that leakage can stick around well after the baby has started college.
Pregnancy is fun, beautiful, and absolutely amazing. It can also be horrifying, embarrassing, and downright disgusting. Life in a pregnant body is devoid of rules so take the embarrassing moments as they come because you'll never experience another pregnancy like this one.