How Does Infertility Affect Relationships?

Fertility and Infertility News

Obie Editorial Team

Infertility and Relationship EffectInfertility is the prolonged inability to conceive naturally or with assisted reproductive technology. Some couples wait years to seek professional fertility help and then face months or years of treatment. Researchers in Brazil analyzed a group of 50 couples who had been trying for more than six years to conceive. In the group, women appeared to take the negative stance while men supported their partners during the difficult process. Women felt the impact on sex life more than men, but both men and women noted changes in the relationship once fertility treatments were started.

Conclusion: How men and women react to long-term fertility in a relationship differs between couples and genders. Male emotions were all over the map ranging from frustration and relief, regarding fertility treatments to maturing and strengthening in the marriage.

Source: Faria DE, Grieco SC, Barros SM. The effects of infertility on the spouses' relationship. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2012 Aug;46(4):794-801.