Season May Affect IVF Outcome

Fertility and Infertility News

Obie Editorial Team

A team of researchers presented new data that could help some women conceive more quickly using IVF. According to the team presentation at the World Congress of Fertility and Sterility, women who undergo fertility treatment, specifically IVF, during spring are more likely to conceive.

The study included 1932 participants whose medical records were accessed for information such as date of treatment and rate of conception. All participants received IVF from the Assisted Fertilization Center in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The group was broken up into four groups, one for each ease. The breakdown went as follows: 435 in winter, 444 in spring, 469 in summer and 584 in fall.

Contributing factors such as quality of embryos, percentage of eggs that developed, implantation specifics and rates of pregnancy did not vary dramatically among groups. Fertilization rates, however, varied dramatically based on season when IVF was performed. Spring sessions reached a 73.5% fertilization rate, with fall, summer and winter following at 69%, 68.7% and 67.9% respectively.

Hormone levels in women were also measured with a significantly higher estradiol level being noted during spring treatments. Specifically, 17-B estradiol levels were measured. Levels of estradiol are important for fertility and reproduction including egg maturation and embryo development.

For women who are having trouble conceiving, spring may provide a boost 1 ½ times greater for overall fertilization rates. Doctors have further studies planned to research effect of region on fertility rates.

Source: Dr. Daniel Braga and Team. International Federation of Fertility Societies. 14 September, 2010.