Do I Need an OPK To Get Pregnant?
Infertility Tests
Obie Editorial Team
An ovulation prediction kit is created to measure the amount of luteinizing hormone in the urine. This hormone level will spike when the egg is about to be released from the ovarian follicle. Testing for ovulation, however, can be achieved with other, more natural means of ovulation markers.
The Cervical Mucus and Ovulation
Mucus is constantly excreted by the cervix. This mucus is the moisture for the inside of the vagina. When that cervical mucus changes, ovulation can be detected. In order to notice the changes in the cervical mucus, the woman will need to collect a sample. Collecting cervical mucus is as easy as inserting a finger into the vagina and wiping around the vagina.
Normal cervical mucus will be very light with the vulva appearing almost dry. When the woman begins to approach ovulation, the amount of mucus will increase and take on a white appearance. When ovulation is very close, the mucus will change to a clear, filmy feeling. When two fingers are touched and opened, the cervical mucus may form strands between the fingers.
It is important to check for changes in the cervical mucus daily. If intercourse has occurred, many women will find it difficult to read the stage of the cervical mucus due to the residual semen in the vagina. Semen can look and feel like cervical mucus.
Basal Metabolic Body Temperature Curve
Another natural way to test for ovulation is with a thermometer. If a woman takes her temperature daily, as soon as she awakens, a change will occur when she is about to ovulate. The basal metabolic temperature will rise just a bit from the normal readings. There is no guideline for this rise, as every woman will have a different average basal metabolic temperature. Normally, the rise in temperature will only be 0.5 degrees F. Several months of recording body temperature may be needed to track ovulation.