Couples may feel lost and unhappy after months of trying to have a baby with no luck. Using the common signs of ovulation works for some couples but each female body is different and the ovulation cycle from one woman to the next will also be different. Many of the signs and symptoms of ovulation are the same, but when those signs and symptoms occur will change with changes in a woman’s ovulation cycle. Here are 6 steps to find out your ovulation cycle.

Step 1:
Write down the date of the first day of your menstrual cycle. When your next menstrual cycle begins, make note of the date of the day before that first day. This is the length of your menstrual cycle. You will need to note several months in order to get an average number of days between one period and the next. Most women have 28 days in their menstrual cycle, but that number will be longer for some and short for others. Your ovulation is determined by your menstrual cycle.

Step 2:
After averaging out the total number of days in your menstrual cycle, subtract 17 from that number. This is about the time when your ovulation will begin. Again, it is important to take notice of the common ovulation cycle signs and symptoms to better pinpoint the specific days of your ovulation cycle and they may change from month to month.

Step 3:
About three days before your ovulation cycle is supposed to begin, start using an ovulation cycle prediction kit. This will help you narrow down the specific days when your body goes into its ovulation cycle.

Step 4:
Keep marking the dates of your menstrual cycles to fine tune your dates. Try to keep your body even both physically and mentally. Stress, overeating, extreme weight gain and extreme weight loss can all affect ovulation cycle.

Step 5:
When you have pinpointed the start date of ovulation, have intercourse every other day. Intercourse should begin about three to four days before the start date of your ovulation cycle.

Step 6:
The ovulation cycle can be used to increase fertility or decrease the chance of getting pregnant. Sperm can stay alive in the body for up to five days and the egg will survive up to two days. This means you are most fertile a couple of days before the ovulation cycle actually begins and pregnancy does not necessarily occur at the time of intercourse.

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