Sage Pregnancy

Sage is perhaps the culionary herb with the broadest range of medicinal uses. 

Salvia officinalis (Common sage, Culinary sage) is an aromatic plant that is frequently used as a spice in Mediterranean cookery and in the food industry and as a traditional medicine for the treatment of several infectious diseases. 

Some peer-reviewed publications described the positive effect of Sage.

Sage may be anti-hypertensive, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial.

Some of the distinct effects of sage that have been reported include anhidrotic (prevents perspiration); blood sugar-lowering effects in diabetics; antimicrobial; and drying up the flow of milk during lactation.

The primary medicinal components in sage are volatile oils, flavonoids, and rosmarinic acid.

When your throat is scratchy and irritated, try sipping on a tea made from brewed sage leaves. It’s a remedy recommended by herbalists that has some support from clinical trials. A 2006 study found that spraying sore throats with a sage solution gave effective pain relief compared to a placebo.