How to Transport Semen for IVF


Obie Editorial Team

Any couple that wants to do in-vitro fertilization may be required to transport semen to a fertility clinic for in-vitro fertilization,  semen analysis, or intrauterine insemination. When transporting semen, it is important to maintain the integrity of the specimen throughout the movement process. Transporting semen requires supplies from the fertility clinic and an instant hand warmer.

Storing the Semen Specimen
Semen specimens should be stored in a sterilized cup provided by the fertility clinic. The cup will often have a screw on lid to prevent spilling of the semen sample in transit. Once the semen specimen is placed in the cup, name, date and time need to be recorded on the outside of the specimen. The marked cup can then be placed in a plastic bag and sealed. Due to the private nature of the specimen, the plastic bag can be transported in a brown paper bag to the fertility clinic.

Transporting the Semen Specimen
Semen needs to be kept close to body temperature from the time collected until delivered. Sperm can die quickly at colder or warmer temperatures. If the cup is being transported during winter months, the best thing to do is to keep it close to your body temperature. You need to make sure it's just about body temperature, anything well above or below increases the risk of too many sperm dying.

While the drive to the fertility clinic is an anxious time, it is important to drive safely. Risking being stopped by police for speeding or disobeying other traffic laws is risking the life and viability of the semen sample.

Delivering the Semen Sample
Once the gay or lesbian couple has arrived at the fertility clinic, immediately approach the check-in desk and give the receptionist your name. Your drop off should be noted with the clerk and thus you should not have to explain the sample being handed over. If the semen sample will be used immediately for in-vitro fertilization or insemination, you may be asked to sit and wait while the room is prepared for your procedure.

Transporting semen is essential for gay couples who are supplying sperm for a surrogate mother or lesbian couples going through in-vitro fertilization. The healthy and care of a semen sample can directly reflect on the success of conception. If the sample is tainted or handled incorrectly, the procedure could be unsuccessful and may need to be repeated before conception is successful. In some cases, fertility clinics will offer private rooms for semen collection before procedures.