There are many factors that can affect fertility. While there are many reliable sources that can help you understand these factors, fertility myths abound. One of these factors is a deep cervix. To understand whether a deep cervix affects fertility and how it affects your role in fertility, you first need to understand what it is.

About a Deep Cervix

The cervix is a small organ located at the bottom of the uterus. It separates your partner’s uterus from her vagina. It’s shaped like a cylinder or a cone. About half of the cervix can be seen using medical equipment, whereas the rest is hidden beyond the vagina.

A deep cervix occurs when the woman’s cervix is farther away from the vaginal opening. In some cases, a woman’s cervix might be differently located or angled; doctors may also refer to those conditions as a “deep” cervix.

Does a Deep Cervix Affect Fertility
In order to conceive, your sperm need to be able to travel from the vagina and get to the cervix. From there, cervical mucus will carry your sperm along toward the fallopian tubes, where it can fertilize an egg.

The cervix does play a role in fertility, but where the cervix is located doesn’t seem to impact fertility. No current research indicates any relationship between a deep cervix and fertility. If you’ve heard that a deep cervix can be a problem for fertility, you may have been misinformed.

What role does the cervix play in conception?
The cervix does, however, play a role in conception. Hormones in a woman’s body cause her to create and release mucus from the cervix. Cervical mucus helps the sperm get through the vaginal environment – which is hostile to sperm – and farther into the reproductive system.

During a woman’s monthly cycle, this mucus will change in color and consistency. By charting changes to cervical mucus, a couple can get a better idea of when a woman is ovulating.

Here are the stages cervical mucus goes through during a woman’s cycle:

  • Prior to ovulation: The first several days after a woman’s period, there will be little or no cervical discharge. Chances of getting pregnant at this time are extremely low.
  • Nearing ovulation: The first discharge a woman has during the month is going to be white- or cream-colored. The mucus will cloudy and stretch.
  • During ovulation: During your partner’s ovulation, cervical mucus resembles the white of an egg both in color and consistency. It is stretchy at this point, as well. This is the best time to try to conveive.
  • After ovulation: Following ovulation, cervical mucus will again be sticky and appear darker in color. If your partner doesn’t seem to be producing egg-white cervical mucus during the month, it can interfere with conception.

When You’re Struggling to Conceive
If you’re struggling with trying to conceive, talk to your doctor. They’ll help identify whether cervical mucus or positioning is a factor in your fertility, and whether there might be other factors that need to be addressed.