BabyMed Online Childbirth Class


Obie Editorial Team

Class One:
The basics of pregnancy, pregnancy adjustment, nutrition, and exercise. A look at pain in pregnancy, labor and birth and the beginnings of coping with pain

Class Two:
Comfort measures during pregnancy and labor/birth, prelabor, timing contractions, relaxation

Class Three:
First stage labor: from beginning to end. What to expect, how to cope and answers to questions like "When should I go to the hospital?" and "Is this the real thing?" Also emphasis on being a great labor support person

Class Four:
Second and Third Stage labor (pushing and placentas), birth plans, doulas, and lots of neat tips

Class Five:
This class will focus on medications, interventions and complications. We will cover cesarean birth, fetal monitoring, episiotomy, and more

Class Six:
Postpartum adjustment, newborn care (diapering, bathing, cord care), sex postpartum your 6 week check up, bleeding, and postpartum depression

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