Spring Break May Lead to More Teen Pregnancies

Pregnancy News

Obie Editorial Team

Have you ever wondered what month accounts for the highest number of pregnancies? The answer is different for adults and teens. According to current research, teens are more apt to conceive in the month of March; the same month as spring break trips and activities. Adult women, however, do not conceive in the month of March as often as teens.

While researchers note that physical aspects of fertility may peak in the month of March for many teen girls, there may also be a connection between spring break activities and an increased number of conceptions. The study included nearly 850 teen women reporting pregnancies in Kingston, Ontario. Cases were reported over a 5-month span. The teen cases were then compared with an equal number of pregnancies reported by adult women.

Researchers found the highest number of pregnancies was conceived during a week break taken by Ontario high schools during the month of March. The break is also referred to as spring break. If spring break is the time of year when most teen mothers conceive, researchers note this may be a good indication that family planning and pregnancy prevention information be addressed in classrooms just before spring break.

Among the programs that may help prevent teen pregnancies during spring break are contraception awareness and basic sex education. Parents, however, don’t have to wait for schools to educate children on pregnancy prevention and sexually transmitted disease awareness. It is important for parents to keep an open line of communication, especially when it comes to sexual health.

What can parents do to reduce the risk of teen pregnancy?
  1. Talk with your child about pregnancy and pregnancy prevention.
  2. Discuss sexually transmitted diseases and how they are contracted. 
  3. Talk about contraception and proper use of condoms. 
  4. If your child is sexually active, discuss alternative options for pregnancy prevention – like birth control.

Most teens spend more time at school than they do in the home during the school year, so schools often bear the burden of teaching children sex education, but that doesn’t mean parents should leave the topic for teachers. Talking about sex and establishing an open line of communication may help prevent teen pregnancy during spring break.

Source: Queens University. 9 September, 2011.