Screening for Health Issues - Telemedicine


Obie Editorial Team

All women should be regularly screened for certain health issues. This is becoming even more important at the time of COVID-19 and telemedicine

Breast Cancer

Review periodic screening guidelines
Assess for genetic predispositions
Assess for symptoms
If symptoms, clinical breast exam
Decision for screening breast exam shared and
informed decision
CBE offered from 19-39 years every 1-3 years.
Yearly >40 years old

Cervical cancer screening

Risk assessment and screening per ASCCP
Pap test due
Colposcopic assessment of abnormal Pap result


Assess contraceptive needs for all reproductive
age women. Provide assessment on current contraceptive concerns. Provide contraception (contraceptive pill/patch/ring prescription)
LARC placement, removal, assessment
Administration of injectable contraception

STI screening

Risk assessment and counseling for all patients.
If sexually active, offer screening for STI
Behavioral counseling/prevention for high-risk
Clinical if symptomatic or high-risk exposure

Mental health (depression, anxiety)

Yearly screening or as indicated As clinically indicated
Alcohol, tobacco and
illicit substance use
Yearly screening and counseling regarding use
and cessation
Inability to assess virtually

Genetic screening

All patients should receive a family history
evaluation as a screening tool for inherited risk of
cancer. Refer for genetic counseling if indicated


Access vaccination status per ACIP adult
vaccination schedules and counsel accordingly
Office visit for required immunizations

Additional screenings and recommendations

  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Obesity
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Review of systems
  • Discuss appropriate lifestyle modifications (diet
  • and exercise, aspirin use)
  • Consider home blood pressure monitoring
  • Universal dyslipidemia screen recommended in late
  • adolescence
  • For elevated BMI, screen for hyperglycemia dyslipidemia
  • Blood pressure check

Sexual health

Annual discussion of sexuality and sexual health
“Are you satisfied with your sex life?”
“Do you have any questions or concerns about sex?
Examination based on symptoms and clinical history

Intimate partner violence

Annual screening or as indicated
Screening at new patient encounter
Concern for patient safety