travel-during-pregnancy.jpgGenerally, as long as there are no complications or difficulties during your pregnancy, you are safe to travel at any time during pregnancy. There are a few concerns with your travel, mostly in terms of comfort and convenience for you and the baby. The best time to travel during pregnancy is usually the second trimester because you are more than likely past the morning sickness; and, you are not yet far enough long to be of an uncomfortable size. Follow these guidelines when you are deciding whether or not to go on a trip during your pregnancy.

Things to Consider

The length of the trip: The longer you are away, the more you are going to need.  The further along you are, the more important this is. If you are traveling for two weeks in the last few months of your pregnancy, you’re going to need to alert your doctor, and keep your prenatal records on hand in case something happens while you are away.

The method of travel: Air travel will be different from traveling by car. Traveling by sea is going to be different than traveling by air or by car. Make sure that you wear your seat belt and keep air bags on. Make sure that any sea-sickness or motion-sickness medications are approved for pregnant women so that you do not risk harming your unborn child.  Make sure that medical facilities are nearby ports in case of emergency.

The destination: Going out of town to a place that is only 30 minutes away is much different than going to another country. The further away you are from your home, the more you will need to plan and consider. If you are travelling out of the country, you’ll need to research the country you are going to, and talk with your doctor. There may be concerns with your destination depending on where it is. Make sure immunizations are up to date, and discuss potential for diseases that may be common in your destination but rare in the United States.

Making the Best of the Trip

  •  Make sure that you pack your favorite things from home so that you do not get homesick. Pregnancy hormones can make trips away from home harder than usual. 
  • Be sure that you dress comfortably no matter the destination or the occasion. You are pregnant, and those around you will understand if you have to wear sweats to a semi-formal event. 
  • Carry snack foods. Pregnancy hunger strikes often and travel may make it difficult to eat whenever the mood crosses you. By keeping snacks on hand, you will be able to fight the hunger pangs until you can eat a full meal.
  • Plan extra time for travel because you need to make sure you take plenty of rest/stretch breaks, and plan for the extra trips to the restroom.

Traveling while pregnant does not have to be a disaster. As long as you put the effort into planning the trip and discuss everything with your doctor, you will be fine!

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