Dear Honest Midwife,
My first birth was in a hospital and it was horrible. I had a long, painful labor, and they wouldn’t let me in the tub because they broke my water. I had pitocin, which hurt so bad I had to get an epidural. Then I couldn’t push hard enough with the epidural, so my son was pulled out with a vacuum. It was the typical cascade of interventions! I was so exhausted by the time he was born I barely could hold him. My second baby was born at home and it was like night and day. My labor was easy because my water wasn’t broken, I didn’t need any pitocin and my labor was so much shorter. I barely had to push at all and when my daughter was born I was calm and happy and elated and she never left my arms. I understand that statistics say that home birth isn’t as safe, but it sure seems much better to me. I guess this isn’t really a question, just wanted to see what you thought of this.
Dear Callie,
Honest Midwife