Amanda Peet Pregnant

Celebrity Baby and Pregnancy

Obie Editorial Team

Their lovely baby girl is now just over two years old and that is the perfect time to add another baby to the clan.

The first child of Amanda Peet and her husband David Benioff is the beautiful Frances Pen. Their lovely baby girl is now just over two years old and that is the perfect time to add another baby to the clan.

The world was taken by storm with the raunchy performance of Amanda Peet in The Whole Nine Yards. She was sexy, seductive and beautiful with a hint of bad! This Amanda Peet is far from the mother and wife that was photographed in LAX airport traveling with her screenwriter husband. According to some viewers of the pictures, there may be another pregnancy looming for Amanda Peet.

The first child of Amanda Peet and her husband David Benioff is the beautiful Frances Pen. Their lovely baby girl is now just over two years old and that is the perfect time to add another baby to the clan. There have been reports that the couple was thinking of having more children, but until these photos, a baby bump was not reported.

Fans are still in awe of the husband Amanda Peet chose in the first place. Being touted as the "brother" of Christina Aguilera's husband, the screenwriter looks to have great genes, as Frances Pen turned out perfect, but leaves a little to be desired on the sexy meter. On the other hand, Amanda Peet has enough sex appeal for both of them all by herself.

The alleged baby bump was photographed as the family walked through LAX. The bump, which is not really a bump at all but the effects of a front carrier, is simply a figment of the media imagination. One must question the choice of using a front pack with a child as big as Frances Pen. The back damage alone could be painful. There does not seem to be a baby in the near future for Amanda Peet, but there is still the love of her husband and two year old baby girl. However, a closer look at her acting schedule may prove that the media was only a little early on the prediction.

Amanda Peet began her career with a Skittles commercial. From there she starred in Law & Order, Animal Room and several indie movies. It wasn't until she starred in The Whole Nine Yards that the world was taken by storm with the talent of Amanda Peet. She followed up the Whole Nine Yards with the Whole Ten Yards and jumped into a few other films before hitting Broadway.

In the coming years, Amanda Peet may have all the time she needs to become pregnant. According to her schedule, she has two movies in post production but nothing on the agenda after that. This could mean that the star is taking time off to spend with her family, or it could mean that the media was right about the baby bump, just a bit too early.

Amanda Peet took the world by storm when she showed off that perfect baby bump. With a two year old at home and a clear acting schedule, the rumor mill is working overtime. The media photographers will be searching from this angle to that angle to find a new baby bump with a second Amanda Peet baby on the way.