Jessica Simpson Finally Reveals the Sex of her Baby

Celebrity Baby and Pregnancy

Obie Editorial Team

jessica-simpson.jpgWith a bursting belly that her Ob-Gyn says could be holding a 10 lb. baby (the weight of her fiancée Eric at birth), and a spring due date, it looks like Jessica Simpson could be heading to the delivery room any day now. Simpson spoke with Elle magazine (where she appears nude on the cover), just in time to give the public some last minute details before baby day, including much anticipated news of the baby’s sex.

Drum roll please…it’s a girl!

Jessica told Elle that she’s hoping her little one will also have a flair for fashion, though she knows that with the athletic genes of her football-playing boyfriend, there’s a good chance her daughter will be more into Nike’s than Louboutins. “I swear, I will croak if she asks me for a pair of Nikes instead of Christian Louboutins!” Jessica said.

Though Simpson is waiting to reveal the name they have chosen for their little girl, Jessica did hint that the name would be “nontraditional,” in typical Hollywood fashion. “It’s nothing shocking and nothing you’ll have to add to the dictionary. Still, when people hear it, they’ll know…why.”

Jessica also broke the incredible story of how she found out she was pregnant. Simpson and her boyfriend Eric were preparing to go out for a day in Venice Beach of all-day drinking and bike riding with friends. Then something happened that made her take a step back. “I started feeling this overwhelming guilt. Why would I feel guilt at the idea of going out and having cocktails with my friends?” So Simpson took a pregnancy test, realizing that something was slightly off, and low and behold she discovered she was pregnant!

According to Simpson, she was initially worried about giving up her favorite scotch (Macallan 18), but says it has not been difficult and now craves things like water.

You’re almost there, Jessica! We wish you well on the home stretch, and can’t wait to see the little one. Congratulations!