Nice to Have Baby Gear Checklist
Obie Editorial Team
The must-have list is complete and your home is ready for baby. Now, you have enough time to work on the nice to have checklist. Nice to haves include things that are wanted, but not needed to care for the baby. Some of these items can be used with a newborn while others can be used at various times in infancy. The important thing to remember is the nice to have list is not essential for basic baby care. These are just items that make life a little easier from time to time or make the home and nursery more organized, comfortable, and beautiful.
Crib mobile
Crib bumper
Baby dresser
Themed curtains
Wall appliqués
Closet organizers
Changing table organizer
Themed rug
Small sleeping sofa
Infant toys
Toy box
Whiteboard and markers for tracking feedings
Air purifier
Crib dust ruffle
Bouncy seat
Warmer for wipes
Bottle warmer
Diaper disposal
Waterproof crib pad
Carrier for baby
Baby swing
Pack N Play or other portable play yard
High feeding chair
Low feeding chair