I Had EWCM Egg White Cervical Mucus Twice
Fertility Awareness
Obie Editorial Team
It is normal to observe ewcm egg white cervical mucus twice in a menstrual cycle.
You could have ovulated twice, but chances are that you did not.
Double ovulation is possible and probably happens more often than in 1 of 100 cycles. About 1 in 80 pregnancies with spontaneous ovulation are twins, and about 2 in 3 of these twins are from double ovulation. However, double ovulation cannot usually be diagnosed by checking cervical mucus.
Egg-white CM comes from an estrogen increase in your body, and this estrogen increase happens normally twice in a menstrual cycle: At the time of ovulation, and again a week or so after ovulation.
It's normal to have EWCM twice in a menstrual cycle, each time there is the normal increase in estrogen -- once when you ovulate, and again when there is a second rise in estrogen without ovulation.
Observing EWCM egg-white cervical mucus twice in a menstrual cycle is no proof of pregnancy.
The typical stretchy and fertile cervical mucus (spinnbarkeit) develops under the influence of estrogen hormones. Estrogen rises normally twice during the menstrual cycle: Just before ovulation and again about 7-10 days later. It is this second rise that can give the appearance of fertile mucus again, though it has nothing to do with ovulation or fertility. You could be pregnant, but making the diagnosis of pregnancy just from changes in the cervical mucus is too unreliable.
You could be pregnant, but making the diagnosis of pregnancy just from changes in the cervical mucus is too unreliable.