How to Tell Your Partner That You Are Pregnant

12 Steps

Obie Editorial Team

Our 12 step program will provide you in detail how to tell your partner that you are pregnant.

  1. A Baby Themed Dinner: If you are looking for a creative way to tell your partner you are pregnant, why not serve a dinner fit for baby. Baby lima beans, baby carrots, baby back ribs and a Baby Ruth are all great choices. If your partner  still doesn't get it, try topping off the night with a jar of baby food.
  2. Hanging Empty Frames: Do you have an area of the house where family photos are displayed? If so, try hanging or placing a few empty frames in that spot. When your partner asks why the frames are empty, tell your partner they are waiting on the first pictures of baby.
  3. Italian Surprise: Prego Italian sauce provides the perfect label trick to tell your partner about the pregnancy. Swap out the traditional Prego label with a label that reads "I'm Prego." To make things even easier just write the word "I'm" in large print on the label.
  4. Tie Him Up: If your partner wears ties to work, buy your partner a tie with rattles or booties all over it. In the morning, suggest to wear that tie to work. S/he will immediately understand why.
  5. Puppy Messenger: If your partner can't get into the house without the puppy attacking the legs, try attaching a message to the puppy's collar. When the puppy jumps up on your partner s/he will read the note and beam with joy.
  6. Make a Doctor's Visit: For the first visit with the Ob-Gyn, tell your partner that s/he has an appointment for a physical or check-up. When you arrive at the doctor's office, s/he will know s/he is not the one that needs some attention.
  7. Replace His Underwear with Diapers: Cleaning out your partner's underwear drawer and replacing the underwear with diapers is a cute way to get the news across. Just make sure your partner does not try to wear the diapers to work.
  8. Classic Proposal: There is nothing saying one partner in the relationship has to be the one to propose every time. When you find out you are pregnant, buy your partner a small piece of jewelry or a ring. Get down on one knee and ask if s/he would do you the honor of raising a baby with you.
  9. Stuffing the Tummy: In an attempt to break the ice, pack your shirt with a pillow and ask your partner how s/he thinks you look while pregnant. When s/he answers positively, tell him/her it is a good thing because that is the way you will look in a few months.
  10. Wrap the Test: The pregnancy test is the best way to tell your partner you are pregnant. But, instead of just handing her/him the test, wrap it up with pastel tissue paper in a very expensive box. When he arrives home, tell her/him to take a look at the expensive gift you got for yourself.
  11. Picture Art: Mom can take a picture of a hamburger bun, a picture of the oven and a picture of herself. On the wall, the pictures can be placed like a math equation. Bun + Oven = Mom
  12. Straight Talk: If there is too much excitement surrounding the baby for tricks and funny reveals, walk into your partner's job and tell her/him face to face. The joy will still be there.