Take Sex Out of the Bedroom When Trying to Conceive (TTC)

Getting Pregnant

Obie Editorial Team

trying to conceiveThe bedroom is your place of business when you are trying to conceive (TTC), but that does not mean you have to limit your sexual encounters to the bedroom. Taking sex out of the bedroom this Valentine’s Day can mean all the difference in the romance and connection you feel with your partner. Often, romance and connection are the two biggest sacrifices couples make when TTC.

Dealing With the Emotions of Leaving Your Home Turf

Before you step out and about in the world looking for the best place to have sex, make sure you have come to terms with your emotions about the situation. In theory, taking sex out of the bedroom can be exciting and thrilling for a relationship, but it can also be nerve wracking leaving behind your thermometer, ovulation tests and fertility tools commonly used to measure optimal fertility. The idea is to relieve the stress associated with sex and bring your relationship back together with intimacy in mind. Once you recognize and come to terms with the feelings of angst that may come with the decision, you can move past those feelings and just enjoy your time together.

Moving Sex Out of the Bedroom Does Not Have to Mean Getting Kinky or Illegal

There are plenty of romantic, legal places to have sex outside of the bedroom and some are even located within your own home. If there are children in the home, send them off to their grandparents or a friend’s house for the night and setup shop in the living room, complete with a sexy movie, sexy music, candlelight and no inhibitions.

If you are thinking about getting a little more mobile, try booking a hotel room for a night or renting a beach house for the weekend. The time away from home and familiar surroundings is often enough to relieve tension and expectation that often comes with infertility.

Trying to conceive a baby is nothing short of stressful, but Valentine’s Day (and other days of the year) should be a time for romance and love. Take time with your partner outside of the bedroom to add back a little of that spice you once shared together. Stress relief plays an important part in TTC, but it also plays a crucial role in surviving the months spent charting menstrual cycles, body temperatures, ovulation cycles and medications.