Do Men Also Have Fertility Cycles?
Male Fertility
Obie Editorial Team
There is a ton of talk about female fertility cycles and what women can watch for to gauge the optimal time for conception based on that fertility cycle. A woman's fertility cycle revolves around her ovulation and usually extends between 21 and 35 days.
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In the past, men used to push all the blame for fertility problems on the woman. That meant if there was a problem conceiving, it was her fault – not his fault. Science has broken through those false claims and now, more than ever before, men are willing to talk about fertility problems. So, now that men know and accept the fact that male health and fertility can impact conception, is there more to be revealed about the complexity of male fertility?
The male fertility cycle – does it exist?
Yes, there is such a thing as the male fertility cycle. The male fertility cycle however is not like the female fertility cycle. Unlike women's cycles which all happen usually within a month, a man's fertility cycle is based on season and time of the year. And unlike a woman's fertility that's usually based around when she ovulates, a man's fertility cycle is based around his sperm counts.
How to Increase Sperm Count and Improve His Fertility
The cooler months like winter are the most fertile times for men based on sperm production. There are several theories about why this happens – including the theory that winter is cooler, which supports sperm production and morning is the time when testosterone levels are the highest. But, I have another theory.
There are several theories of why men are more fertile during cooler months. Men used to be the main workers in the family. Much of how the human body functions is based on primal need and genetic programming. Just a few decades ago, men worked extremely hard in the fields, chopping trees, clearing lands, tending animals, and building during the summer months. Sex was the last thing on their minds unless that sex occurred during the morning hours when they were well-rested and, according to science, when sperm levels were highest. There may also be a connection between conception dates and birth dates based no season. For instance, children conceived during early spring would be born during the harsh winter months when food is scarce, but children conceived during the winter months would be born during the harvest months when food is plentiful.
There are few medical professionals that take male fertility cycles into consideration, but science cannot impact genetic programming. Sometimes, at the root of all problems is a simple answer that dates back a millennium.
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